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  • Yusra Butt

America: historically a melting pot and beacon of hope for all those who decide to leave everything they know, in hopes of a better future and education. However, the government believes that sending back international students, if they are not taking in-person classes this fall, is the best way to return to normalcy. Based on the foundation of this country, this policy is way out of line which is why Harvard and MIT are suing the government.

But the problem does not end there. The government refuses to issue visas to students attending institutions practicing online learning. The only option students have include transferring schools or hoping their school creates a one-credit class specifically for international students. Schools like Columbia and NYU took immediate action to protect their students by being some of the first schools to create a new class overnight. The Trump administration is currently firm on its decision and plan on possibly deporting international students.

ICE stands for Immigration and Customs Enforcement; they will be forced to carry out orders concerning the new immigration regulations. The students coming to America to fulfill their educational aspirations are now being turned away despite the insight and unique perspectives they bring in out of the classroom.

*Please note that a later blog post will include more information

Down below are various petitions to sign:





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  • Yusra Butt

Ghislaine Maxwell is a notorious British socialite associated with Jeffrey Edward Epstein for luring underage girls for illegal sexual acts. She is now facing charges for her part in the Epstein sex trafficking ring. With her decades long friendship came knowledge on infamous leaders and their relationship with Epstein. Some of these individuals include Trump, Bill Clinton, and Prince Andrew.

She continued to live a luxurious and privileged life in New Hampshire until she was caught early in July. She now is charged under 4 criminal counts and 2 counts of perjury and ultimately can face up to 35 years in prison. In light of recent events, more victims came forward to share their sexual assault story to help put an end to their nightmare. It is important to recognize how difficult it is for young women to seek justice.

When Epstein was headed for trial last August, he was found dead in his prison cell. Ghislaine Maxwell coming back into the picture can set records straight despite Epstein's suicide. Many observe that it is highly unlikely for someone of his narcissism and nature to commit suicide, hence why some believe he was killed. Stories like these are currently considered conspiracy theories but Maxwell can help the court depict the truth if she cooperates.

Unfortunately, because of her tight-knit relationship with Epstein and his peers, many speculate that she will conceal the identities of the men and women involved in this decade's long scheme. Her previously close relationship with Prince Andrew leaves the future of this trial in jeopardy. Her history shows a lack of credibility along with her disappearance as a sign of committing all accounts to which she is being charged.

Brief information on Epstein's trial:

Jeffrey Edward Epstein was a convicted felon and Ghislaine Maxwell recruited young women for him and his friends to sexually abuse. In 2009, Epstein and his attorney's negotiated a very lenient plea deal with Alexander Acosta who worked for the U.S. Attorney's Office, in regards to his charge for having sex with minors. After his criminal trial in 2009, he faced another trail in 2018-2019 where he was convicted.

*Please note that a later blog post will include more information

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  • Yusra Butt

In the era of activism and progressive ideals, silencing the voices of Hong Kong protestors will not mute their aspirations. Their liberty is being threatened but the world sees and hears you. From what typically begins as a peaceful protest turns violent when the Hong Kong police arrested anyone protesting the streets on July 1st. Outbreak and uproar arose when China announced the abolishment of their civil freedom and hours later, police enforcement left their autonomy destroyed.

Because of the Chinese authorization of authoritarian rule over Hong Kong, the police peppered spray the crowd, used water canons, and attacked protestors. Over 300 individuals who carried and displayed a black flag, their symbol for independence, were arrested immediately. The new law was passed because of the 23rd anniversary of the British giving Hong Kong to China and so the law strips Hong Kong of their freedom of speech. If one speaks out against China in any shape or form, he or she will possibly be tried in a backroom, unfair trial due to the lack of jury.

By insinuating Chinese education into Hong Kong, children will be learning what China wants them to, while censoring information and internet sites into brainwashing young minds or as they would claim "fostering young minds". The last time China tried to intertwine its education system into Hong Kong was in 2012 in which they faced major backlash as people riled the streets to protest their involvement.

The most important point to note about the new law is that it alone is very unclear. New articles were added as of recent and one of which includes the new national security law to trump any existing Hong Kong law. By depriving Hong Kong of their basic freedom and long overdue independence, China holds the upper hand and can control all their affairs.

*Please note that a later blog post will include more information and various petitions alongside sites to donate to.

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