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  • Yusra Butt

In the past few weeks, protests across Punjab and Haryana have risen as India's prime minister, Narendra Modi, passed three farm reform bills. The bills push for private firms to invest in farming compared to the government's involvement in reasonable price points so farmers could keep their land, support their families, and profit. The government provided a set price point regardless of weather conditions and external factors that could and did affect the number of farm goods. With the new reform bills, farmers will potentially be pushed out of business as private firms will force farmers into selling their land to them. The lack of government involvement lets the rich get richer while destroying the lives of thousands of families.

To combat the three farm reform bills, farmers and supporters have gone to the streets and protested. However, police officers beat and threatened the peaceful protestors. India is supposed to be a democratic state but these recent reform bills are far from it. Police brutality and suicide rates are at a high as a result.

Farmers that own less land will be exploited by large corporations. That is a fact. As a result, the prices for farm goods will skyrocket as the government will not regulate prices for these items. Other parts of India have previously accepted the interjectory of corporations that costed farmers in places like Bihar their livelihood, traditions, and security. If Punjab is compliant, the rich history of family farming will end.

There is a lot you can do, however, for instance, raise your voice. Draw attention to this catastrophic event. That is always a good place to start.

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The 2020 Elections. One of the most trending topics of this year, but quite frankly, how could it not be? From the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the next wave of stimulus checks, this election is vital and will affect the lives of every American. The question remains, who will win?

Since the investigation of Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election, the FBI has now released a statement on Iran and Russia intersecting this year's presidential election. By sending calculated threats and using intimidation to manipulate registered voters, this group, posing as far right-wing activists, are derailing Trump's chance at reelection (stated by the Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe). The goal of the harassment is to portray Trump as the bad guy and ultimately benefit Biden's reputation.

Iran and Russia now have access to private voter registration information, which is both alarming and violates the trust of Americans. Meanwhile, the emails allegedly sent by Iran and Russia contained videos and false information to miseducate voters and ultimately aided voter fraud. The point of these emails is far more complicated than what meets the eye. For instance, putting skeptical ideas into the minds of Americans and the inability to trust the government's ability to run a fair election.

Democrats have countered claiming Ratcliffe, a Republican, is setting up Biden's administration. Although there is no evidence, various theories are currently surfacing. As the next few weeks are crucial in both campaigns, there will be more information on President Trump and former Vice President Biden.

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  • Yusra Butt

Disney claims to be "nonpolitical" when in reality, the right number of dollar signs pushed them to the side of oppressors. Mulan should be boycotted for two reasons: Hong Kong's police brutality and the film's connection to Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang, China. Take a look at previous blog posts to learn more about these extremely inhumane events.

Mulan was filmed in the same area where Uyghur Muslims are being held and abused. Disney refuses to address its cooperation with China and as a result, Congress is now involved. Politicians like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have called to question the relationship between Disney and China. Trump has repetitively made policies to limit business with China which is why his administration is not happy with the benefits China is reaping from Mulan.

There is no way to sugarcoat or beat around the bush, if you watch Mulan, you are supporting oppressors while approving the film location. Xinjiang, China isn't just Mulan's primary film location but where Muslims have and continue to be abused, raped, and sold. The Chinese government does not respect humanity, if they did then they wouldn't be keeping Muslims in concentration camps nor oppressing Hong Kong of their basic human rights. The film disguises China's tyranny with a Disney classic. Hong Kong and Uyghur Muslims deserve better than this.

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