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Punjab, India Farming Crisis

In the past few weeks, protests across Punjab and Haryana have risen as India's prime minister, Narendra Modi, passed three farm reform bills. The bills push for private firms to invest in farming compared to the government's involvement in reasonable price points so farmers could keep their land, support their families, and profit. The government provided a set price point regardless of weather conditions and external factors that could and did affect the number of farm goods. With the new reform bills, farmers will potentially be pushed out of business as private firms will force farmers into selling their land to them. The lack of government involvement lets the rich get richer while destroying the lives of thousands of families.

To combat the three farm reform bills, farmers and supporters have gone to the streets and protested. However, police officers beat and threatened the peaceful protestors. India is supposed to be a democratic state but these recent reform bills are far from it. Police brutality and suicide rates are at a high as a result.

Farmers that own less land will be exploited by large corporations. That is a fact. As a result, the prices for farm goods will skyrocket as the government will not regulate prices for these items. Other parts of India have previously accepted the interjectory of corporations that costed farmers in places like Bihar their livelihood, traditions, and security. If Punjab is compliant, the rich history of family farming will end.

There is a lot you can do, however, for instance, raise your voice. Draw attention to this catastrophic event. That is always a good place to start.

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