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Portland, Oregon

Camouflaged police are attacking peaceful protestors under Trump's recent new orders. Federal troops were sent to protect historical monuments, buildings, and towns. However, these same troops tear-gassed and beat up protestors fighting against police brutality. In essence, they are kidnapping people in unmarked federal vans for the past month. The question remains, what will it take to get Trump to adequately handle this situation?

The mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler, wants the immediate removal of federal troops as the involvement of officers is only making matters worst. Crime rates are increasing and the safety of children is at stake as vandalism, police brutality, and inequality is peaking. Trump claims that the federal troops are there to restore order and peace while the protestors have a dangerous, hidden, agenda. Originally, tear gas was banned in Portland unless a protest turned into a riot, however, as of lately the federal troops and camouflaged agents give a 10 second heads-up before tear gassing protestors.

At the moment, Oregon's Attorney General has filed a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security along with the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The defendants, in this case, the protestors, were unarmed and did not turn violent until the federal troops attacked them, and among them include the unidentified military agents. As a result, unidentified groups of people broke into the Portland Police Association office and set the building on fire. The current unrest will continue until Trump takes foreseeable action but based on his responses to events regarding police brutality, there seems to be no hope. Please circulate any information on this as it is not receiving media attention because journalists are unable to gather information due to the political and social instability in Portland.

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