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The Srebrenica Genocide Atrocity

Exactly 25 years ago the world lost 8,372 Bosnian-Muslims to a massacre led by Serbia. To witness the same ethnic cleansing that took place a couple of decades ago reoccurring in a different font today leaves the fate of humanity on edge. Men and boys in Srebrenica, Bosnia were brutally killed during the Bosnian War as Serbian forces made their way to control Bosnian land. When will the world stop repeating history?

The Srebrenica Genocide has not and will not be forgotten despite the world's effort to hide grievances. What happened in Bosnia is not taught by schools but it does not mean that its history will die out. Social media highlights massacres, genocides, and other violations of international law more than an educational institution does. It does not come as a surprise that history repeats itself when generation after generation is not taught why, how, and the outcome of tragic events prior. Unfortunately, the Srebrenica Genocide is one of the many massacres that history textbooks leave out simply because society brushes off events that don't necessarily impact or occur in dominating nations.

The Srebrenica Genocide should serve as a reminder to stop unethical ideas before they take place. Unimaginable atrocities are happening as we speak, please do your part as a human being to go out of your way to find information on genocides, wars, and various events that schools do not discuss. Because information is not directly handed to us, we should be going out of our way to educate ourselves. At the end of the day, it does not take a philanthropist to create a difference. It takes ordinary people with a burning passion for revolutionary change. This starts with understanding what has happened to stop anything that can happen.

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