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Dear Yemen, we failed you.

“The example of the believers is that they have mutual love for each other, they have mutual mercy for each other and they are like one body. If one part of the body suffers, the whole body suffers” -Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

The world is currently suffering from countless issues, whether the conflicts are in our community or not, it is our human obligation to do our part. Sign a petition. Donate what you can. Use your platform. Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel feels out of reach, but the man-made issue in Yemen can be helped with the assistance of activists around the globe. Even if it is one post at a time.

And yes, man-made. Yemen would not be in the situation it has been in since 2011 if it were not for people wanting to further their agenda, greed for power, and lack of morals.

Let's break it down.

Yemen is on the brink of extinction. Time is of the essence and they are running out of clean water and food resulting in starvation, malnutrition, and disease where the lives of 30 million are being permanently changed. Water contamination, failing healthcare, and lack of sanitation is making the situation and outbreak even worse.

Coronavirus hitting Yemen has been one of the most catastrophic events Yemen has had to deal with in the part of their civil war for the past five-plus years. The lack of healthcare makes hospitals inaccessible and has made Yemen the largest humanitarian crisis while the world watches Yemen go extinct.

In response to Coronavirus, Yemen has about 500 ventilators and 700 intensive care units. But this is not the only disease Yemenis are facing. The cholera outbreak has leftover 100,000 cases unresolved as testing is limited and mostly unavailable. The United Nations and deemed Yemen the largest humanitarian crisis but this does not mean Yemen is receiving the aid it should be.

This humanitarian is just now being brought attention in the media but the problems arose in 2011 when Yemenis began peacefully protesting against their then president, Ali Abdullah Saleh. Despite the president resigning and their vice president, Hadi, taking over, tensions arose along with political instability. Soon after Hadi fled, he combined forces with Saudi Arabia and decided to block everything from entering Yemen. The United States, siding with Saudi Arabia, gave billions of dollars worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia to further their political agenda. At this point, it is clear that every party involved has violated international humanitarian law. But this is not the first time and unfortunately not the last time either.

The United Nations is now pleading for support as Yemen is being hit hard. There are many organizations and ways YOU can help. Starting with petitions and donating, down below you will find various organizations to donate to along with a petition.

Where to donate-

  1. Save The Children:

  2. UNICEF:

  3. Project Hope:

  4. International Rescue Committee:



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